Sunday, December 11, 2011

Interaction Feedback and Selection

This last week, I have been playing around with interaction feedback and object selection for my Kinect NUI.
I have used my original concept for gesture feedback. After testing, I realized that having a fourth state (in motion) was excessive and there was too much visual noise being generated. Thus on the top of the screen, there are three possible colors that can show up:

Blue = initial gesture conditions met, gesture started
Green  = gesture recognized and completed
Red = gesture completed, but is not in the list of interactions

For the challenge of multiple objects and object selection, I decided to map the position of the hands on screen and have a trailing line to represent the path of each hand. To selection an object, use any hand, place it near the object and wiggle it in a small circle. To deselect an an object, wiggle your hand at a location away from the selected object. The selected object is signified by the blue glow around it.

I also show the menu system which is activated by the horizontal swipe of the right hand.

Demo Video:

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